Subcontractors to DAYquiri GmbH

List of subcontractors

The following subcontractors of zistemo may access our customers’ data only in the context of providing services. They provide services that are necessary for us to fullfill the contract concluded with you when you register to use zistemo services.

The Data Controller approves the engagement of the subcontractors prior to the start of the Processing, subject to a contractual agreement pursuant to Art. 28 par. 2-4 GDPR.

Subcontractor Processing-Function Country Privacy Policy Link
Exoscale Application and Database Hosting Switzerland Privacy Policy
Hosteurope WEB site hostings Germany Privacy Policy banking for D,A,CH Germany Privacy Policy
Zendesk Customer Service USA Privacy Policy
Braintree Payment system USA Privacy Policy
Google Apps Internal Tools USA Privacy Policy
Google Cloud Platform OCR Recognition USA Privacy Policy
Intercom Customer Service USA Privacy Policy
Mixpanel Statistics and Analytics USA Privacy Policy
Sendgrid System Emails USA Privacy Policy
Slack Internal Communication USA Privacy Policy
Tapfiliate Referrals Management Nederland Privacy Policy
Brevo E-Mail Marketing France Privacy Policy
sipgate Cloud Telephone System Germany Privacy Policy

Updated 06 June 2024